Scientific Calculator

Scientific Calculator

Free online scientific calculator that supports various complex and advanced calculations, including square root calculations, logarithm calculations, trigonometric functions, and angle calculations. It supports scientific calculations, advanced calculations, and function calculations, making mathematical calculations simple and fast!


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Using a calculator

Calculators are used to simplify the calculation process. In complex scientific and mathematical calculations, it is not the most convenient to perform mathematical operations manually. Complex manual calculations are time-consuming and prone to errors. Scientific calculators perform this job perfectly, and if we know how to use calculators correctly and efficiently, they will make our study and work easier.

Scientific Calculator


Trigonometric functions

Function type Function expression Description Example
Main trigonometric functions sin(x) Sine function Calculate the sine of angle x
Main trigonometric functions cos(x) Cosine function Calculate the cosine value of angle x
Main trigonometric functions tan(x) Tant function Calculate the tangent value of angle x
Inverse trigonometric functions sin⁻¹(x) / arcsin(x) Inverse sine function Find the x value that satisfies sin(x) = y
Inverse trigonometric function cos⁻¹(x) / arccos(x) Inverse cosine function Find the x value that satisfies cos(x) = y
Inverse trigonometric function tan⁻¹(x) / arctan(x) Inverse tangent function Find the x value that satisfies tan(x) = y
Compound trigonometric function calculation x = 5cos(0.5sin(4)) Calculate an expression containing trigonometric functions Calculate the value of x based on a given composite function expression
Solve trigonometric equations sin(x) = 0.5 Solve trigonometric equations Find the value of x that satisfies the given trigonometric function value, for example, x = arcsin(0.5) = 30°


Function Introduction


Function Description
Angle Mode The default settings of the scientific calculator are “Deg” (degrees) and “Rad” (radians) for expressing angles.
Angle Conversion 2π radians = 360 degrees, or 2π rad = 360°.
Angle Calculation Examples tan(30°) = 0.57735, while tan(30 rad) = -6.40533.
e (Euler’s number) A well-known mathematical constant used in many equations and descriptions of natural growth.
π (pi) A constant that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, used to calculate the circumference and area of ​​a circle.
Exponents/Powers Calculates the square, cube, and any power of a number. For example, 2⁵ represents two raised to the fifth power.
Roots Square roots (*√x), cube roots (∛x), and arbitrary roots (x^(1/y)).
Logarithm functions ln (natural logarithm) and log (common logarithm, base 10).
Brackets Used to determine the order of calculations, following the order of brackets, exponents, multiplication and division, addition and subtraction in mathematics.
Reciprocal of a number Calculates the reciprocal of the number x, that is, 1/x.
Percentages Used to calculate discounts, increases, etc., such as calculating the price after a discount.
Factorial Calculates the factorial of an integer, e.g., 3! = 3 × 2 × 1 = 6.
Memory Buttons M+ (memory plus), M- (memory minus), MR (memory recall).
Back Undo the last operation, instead of deleting the entire input.
Ans Returns the result of the last operation.
RND Generates a random number between 0 and 1.
EXP Used for exponential calculations in scientific notation, such as 5.23×10⁴.